Time to renew? You can pay online or mail us a check, easy!
Mail a Check
You can pay online with the green button below, or if you’d prefer, you’re welcome to mail us a check! Make your check out to the All-Ireland Cultural Society, with the amount of $35 for an individual membership or $55 for a family membership. You can mail it to:
All-Ireland Cultural Society
P.O. Box 3411
Portland, OR 97208
Pay Online
Click the button below to submit your payment via our PayPal donation link (just insert the correct membership amount — we’ll get notified when your donation comes through, and we’ll know that it’s a membership) or make a check out to All-Ireland Cultural Society and mail it to P.O. Box 3411, Portland, OR 97208.
Thank you for continuing your membership and supporting Irish culture in our area!