Holiday Cheer
The AICS invites you to the annual Christmas luncheon on SATURDAY December 5, 2020. As of this time we are able to schedule the event within the confines of current public health policy. We are happy to report it will be at the Monarch Hotel from 1-4 pm on SATURDAY 12/5/2020.
The Monarch has taken precautions to insure the space is safe. From upgrading its air filtration system, to extra cleanings they are doing all they can to insure a safe space. We can also open the doors for added ventilation. This year we will be served a plated meal instead of the buffet. Again an extra precaution we are taking to insure your safety. Dinner will be Salad, Turkey dinner with all the trimmings and dessert.
We will need to wear masks when not eating; sanitizer will be on each table.
In order to not incur extra charges we are asking that members who want to attend the dinner pay by 11/7/2020. The cost of dinner will be the same as last year $25.00 for members and $30.00 for guests. Please make your check out to AICS and send to Julie O’Connell.
We encourage each member to decide whether or not to attend based on their individual risk factors. The AICS and the Monarch will do all it can to keep everyone as safe as possible. We will have smaller tables placed farther apart, a plated meal instead of a buffet, sanitizer on each table. Each of us must do our part, wear a mask and socially distance as best as possible. We want to support you during this unprecedented time. Do what’s right for you. We hope to see you there and totally understand if you elect not to attend this year.
Click the following link for more details on our calendar