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Annual Appreciation Dinner

Celebrate AICS’s Accomplishments at Appreciation Dinner

This year’s Appreciation Dinner will be held at the Old Spaghetti Factory on Sunday, May 22, from 4 to 6PM.  Cost for members will be $18, and for guests it will be $20.  The choices for entrees are
Chicken Marsala
Spaghetti with Meatballs

The dinner will include coffee or tea, salad, main course, and ice cream.  Soda and other drinks will be “no host.”

Make checks out to AICS, and  write food choice in the memo line.   Send checks for the dinner by May 14 to Debbie Timmins, 9433 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR, 97219.  For questions, please call Debbie at 503 260 3760.

Address for the Old Spaghetti Factory is  0715 SW Bancroft, St, Portland, OR 97239
