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AICS Membership – Family


Become a Member Today and Support Irish Culture


Become a Member Today and Support Irish Culture

For the yearly dues amount of $35 for an individual (or $55 for family), you are keeping the club going. You make it so we can have great events, small meetings, pub socials, special concerts and more. Membership funds also support the monthly electronic newsletter, The Seanachai, which informs all members of upcoming events, news, recaps of previous events, stories, history and more Irish culture.

The club also has a scholarship fund, is growing a library, and contributes to special activities that promote Irish culture and history. This may be music and dance concerts, cultural lectures on history, immigration, mythology, arts, and more, and classes or workshops for language, dance, or music.

Club social events happen year round, here are a few examples:

—Annual picnic
—Christmas and May dinners
—St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
—Pub Socials
—Group day trips
—Timbers and Blazers games